Do you sometimes suffer from insecurities? A lack of self-confidence can seriously affect your happiness in life. For example, do you often find it hard to relax and do you worry or ruminate a lot about things you do. Do you recognize yourself in this? Then it's time to overcome your insecurities! By overcoming insecurities, you’ll open doors to a more enjoyable and relaxed life. If you, too, are ready for a more confident version of yourself, here are 8 useful tips that can help you do just that.

Tip 1: Know that you are good enough

Overcoming insecurities begins with acknowledging that you are enough. This tip may sound easy, but it often takes some effort to truly realize you’re good enough. You might be good at singing, but there will always be someone who can sing better than you. But, this isn't a bad thing, because you are good enough yourself. Or you may fail to prepare a delicious dessert for a special occasion, even though you have tried several times. That's not a bad thing, because you have tried.

Everyone has different qualities, your strengths and weaknesses are different from your neighbor for example. Also, all your qualities taken together complement each other, which outweigh your weaknesses. It is important to know that you do not have to be the best at everything, no one expects you to be the best at everything. You are good enough just as you are. All of your qualities and experiences shape the person you are today. Do not put too much pressure on yourself and know that others won’t put pressure on you either., they appreciate you for the person you are.

Tip 2: Think positive thoughts about yourself

Many people will think negatively about themselves. Sometimes, these negative thought patterns are triggered by the perfect pictures we often see on (social) media. It is crucial to keep in mind that the perfect picture that is portrayed on social media is only a snippet from real life. This will help you not to think negatively about yourself. In addition, if you find out what makes you happy and pursue those ambitions. When doing so, iIt's important that you do not constantly compare yourself to others. Remind yourself about the things, even if they are just small things, that you consider to be positive about yourself, such as 'I went for a walk today' or 'I made myself a delicious cup of coffee’'. There will always be something in your day that you can be grateful for, and if you find it hard to come up with something or if you want to make a change, know that you are in charge of your life!

Tip 3: It is OK to be a little bit selfish at times

As mentioned before, know that you are in charge of your own life. Being a little bit selfish from time to time is a good step to take when you are working on overcoming insecurities. Putting yourself first and knowing what you stand for can help you a lot if you want to become more confident. However, this step is a bit more difficult because you are putting yourself in the spotlight, so to speak. Also, some people might criticize you if they don’t agree with some choices or if your path is not the conventional path. Sometimes it is good if you go with the flow and don’t overthink situations too much, however other times it can be advisable to not go with the flow. Making your own decisions and acknowledging that you have the power to create your desired life, will make you feel proud of yourself. Also, it is important to consider if the people you surround yourself with truly make you happy and help you grow as a person. You should learn and find out what makes you happy. Quit that one job you have wanted to quit for so long, finally go on that trip you have wanted to take for years, take your freedom whenever you want.

Tip 4: Dare to do new things!

Do you like to do new things or would you rather stay safe within the comfort zone you are familiar with? By doing new things, you are taking on new challenges, overcoming these challenges will boost your confidence and help get rid of your insecurities. Maybe you have always wanted to take a language course, but you did not feel confident enough to do it and the thought alone made you feel anxious. Go for it anyway! Or sign up for dance lessons to improve your dance moves. Being physically active while also being surrounded by music will boost your mood instantly. Learning new skills, such as a language or dance moves, will make you feel proud of yourself for trying something new. Life starts at the end of your comfort zone!

Tip 5: A confident attitude

Another tip to overcome your insecurity is to have a confident attitude. If you often feel insecure, you can fool yourself and still have a confident attitude. If you pretend to be more confident than you actually are, others will perceive you as a confident person. This will cause you to act accordingly. At a certain point, you will begin to think of yourself as more confident, so you will stop pretending.

When you adopt a self-confident attitude, it's important that you do not change completely in one fell swoop. After all, you want to be taken seriously. Instead, walk a little straighter, look people in the eye, and always give others a firm handshake.

Tip 6: List 5 things you are grateful for every day

Tip 6 goes very well with the tip about positive thoughts. Every day, list or write in a journal 5 things for which you are grateful. You can do this every morning before you start the day so you start the day with a positive feeling, or you can do it before you go to bed so you can sleep better.

By emphasizing the things you are grateful for, you will become a happier and more positive person. You will train your brain to be positive. You will feel satisfied faster and you will be able to overcome your insecurity.

Tip 7: Go and talk to other confident people

People who are very confident in life are a good source of inspiration. Go and talk to someone who seems to be confident. In the conversation you can ask how the person deals with insecurities, because everyone has to deal with insecurities, or ask how they see the world. See if you can relate to what the person says and see what tips fit well with your character.

Tip 8: Read books about yourself

Not only can you talk to confident people, but you can also read books about self-confidence and overcoming insecurities. This will give you more information about the topic and you may even find more practical tips.


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